Bogdan Dumitrescu

Journal articles
  1. D.Ilie-Ablachim, B.Dumitrescu - Dictionary learning with cone atoms and application to anomaly detection, Applied Sciences, vol.22, no.14, art.10082, 2024.
  2. A.Baltoiu, D.Ilie-Ablachim, B.Dumitrescu - Dictionary learning with cone atoms and application to anomaly detection, Signal Processing, vol.219, art.109398, June 2024.
  3. D.Ilie-Ablachim, A.Baltoiu, B.Dumitrescu - Sparse Representation With Gaussian Atoms and Its Use in Anomaly Detection, IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, vol.5, pp.168-176, 2024.
  4. A.R.Manescu, B.Dumitrescu - HyperDE: An Adaptive Hyper-Heuristic for Global Optimization, Algorithms, vol.16, no.9, art.451, Sep. 2023.
  5. D.Ilie-Ablachim, B.Dumitrescu - Incoherent frames design and dictionary learning using a distance barrier, Signal Processing, vol.209, art. 109019, Aug. 2023.
  6. X.Zheng, B.Dumitrescu, J.Liu, C.D.Giurcaneanu - Multivariate time series imputation: An approach based on dictionary learning, Entropy, vol.24, no.8, pp.1057, July 2022.
  7. X.Zheng, B.Dumitrescu, J.Liu, C.D.Giurcaneanu - Dictionary learning for signals in additive noise with generalized Gaussian distribution, Signal Processing, vol.195, pp.108488, June 2022.
  8. B.Dumitrescu, A.Baltoiu, S.Budulan - Anomaly Detection in Graphs of Bank Transactions for Anti Money Laundering Applications, IEEE Access, vol.10, pp.47699-47714, 2022.
  9. F.I. Miertoiu, B.Dumitrescu - Sparse representation and denoising for images affected by generalized Gaussian noise, UPB Scientific Bulletin, series C, vol.84, no.1, pp.75-86, 2022.
  10. A.Baltoiu, B.Dumitrescu - Sparse Bayesian Learning Algorithm for Separable Dictionaries, Digital Signal Processing, vol.111,, Apr. 2021.
  11. K.H.Kheirollahpour, A.Mahmoudi, B.Dumitrescu - DOA Estimation in the Autocorrelation Domain for Coprime Array, Digital Signal Processing, vol.110,, Mar. 2021.
  12. F.Shafiee, A.Mahmoudi, B.Dumitrescu - Linear Prediction Based DOA Estimator in Non-Uniform Noise, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, vol.40, no.5, pp.2494-2506, May 2021.
  13. F.I. Miertoiu, B.Dumitrescu - Feasibility Pump Algorithm for Sparse Representation under Gaussian Noise, Algorithms, vol.13, no.4, 9 pages,, Apr. 2020.
  14. B.Dumitrescu, C.D.Giurcaneanu - Adaptive-Size Dictionary Learning Using Information Theoretic Criteria, Algorithms, vol.12, no.9, 13 pages, 178, Sep. 2019.
  15. F.I. Miertoiu, B.Dumitrescu - Feasibility Pump Algorithm for Sparse Representation under Laplacian Noise, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 5615243, 9 pages, 2019.
  16. F. Li, C.M. Triggs, B.Dumitrescu, C.D.Giurcaneanu - The matching pursuit algorithm revisited: A variant for big data and new stopping rules, Signal Processing, vol.155, pp.170-181, Feb. 2019.
  17. S.Maanan, B.Dumitrescu, C.D.Giurcaneanu - Maximum Entropy Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Fitting Latent-Variable Graphical Models to Multivariate Time Series, Entropy, vol.20, no.1, art.76, Jan. 2018.
  18. B.Dumitrescu - Designing Incoherent Frames With Only Matrix-Vector Multiplications, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.24, no.9, pp.1265-1269, Sep. 2017.
  19. S.Maanan, B.Dumitrescu, C.D.Giurcaneanu - Conditional independence graphs for multivariate autoregressive models by convex optimization: Efficient algorithms, Signal Processing, vol.133, pp.122-134, Apr. 2017.
  20. B.Dumitrescu, P.Irofti - Regularized K-SVD, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.24, no.3, pp.309-313, Mar. 2017.
  21. T.Cioaca, B.Dumitrescu, M.Stupariu - Lazy Wavelet Simplification Using Scale-Dependent Dense Geometric Variability Descriptors, Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, vol.19, no.1, pp.15-26, 2017.
  22. T.Cioaca, B.Dumitrescu, M.Stupariu - Combined Quadric Error Metric and Lifting Scheme Multivariate Model Simplification, UPB Sci. Bull., ser.C, vol.78, no.3, pp.51-62, 2016.
  23. B.Dumitrescu, B.C.Sicleru, F.Avram - Modeling probability densities with sums of exponentials via polynomial approximation, J. Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol.292, pp.513-525, Jan. 2016.
  24. T.Cioaca, B.Dumitrescu, M.Stupariu - Graph-based Wavelet Representation of Multidimensional Terrain Data, Computer Graphics Forum, vol.35, no.1, pp.44-58, Feb. 2016.
  25. A.Onose, B.Dumitrescu - Adaptive Randomized Coordinate Descent for Sparse Systems: Lasso and Greedy Algorithms, IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., vol.63, no.15, pp.4091-4101, Aug. 2015.
  26. B.Dumitrescu - On the Relation Between the Randomized Extended Kaczmarz Algorithm and Coordinate Descent, Bit Numerical Mathematics, vol.55, no.4, pp.1005-1015, 2015.
  27. C.Rusu, B.Dumitrescu, S.A.Tsaftaris - Explicit Shift-Invariant Dictionary Learning, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.21, no.1, pp.6-9, Jan. 2014.
  28. A.Onose, B.Dumitrescu - Adaptive matching pursuit using coordinate descent and double residual minimization, Signal Processing, vol.93, no.11, pp.3143-3150, Nov. 2013.
  29. B.Dumitrescu - Sparse Total Least Squares: Analysis and Greedy Algorithms, Linear Algebra and Its Applications , vol.438, no.6, pp.2661-2674, Mar. 2013.
  30. B.C.Sicleru, B.Dumitrescu - POS3POLY - a MATLAB Preprocessor for Optimization with Positive Polynomials, Optimization and Engineering, vol.14, no.2, pp.251-273, 2013.
  31. C.Rusu, B.Dumitrescu - Stagewise K-SVD to Design Efficient Dictionaries for Sparse Representations, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.19, no.10, pp.631-634, Oct. 2012.
  32. B.Dumitrescu, A.Onose, P.Helin, I.Tabus - Greedy Sparse RLS, IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., vol.60, no.5, pp.2194-2207, May 2012.
  33. C.Rusu, B.Dumitrescu - Iterative Reweighted l1 Design of Sparse FIR Filters, Signal Processing, vol.92, no.4, pp.905-911, Apr. 2012.
  34. B.C.Sicleru, B.Dumitrescu - MIMO FIR Lowpass Filter Design for Spatially Interconnected Systems Using a Bounded Real Lemma Approach, UPB Sci. Bull., ser.C, vol.73, no.3, pp.119-128, 2011.
  35. B.Dumitrescu, B.C.Sicleru, R.Stefan - Positive Hybrid Real-Trigonometric Polynomials and Applications to Adjustable Filter Design and Absolute Stability Analysis, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol.29, no.5, pp.881-899, Oct. 2010.
  36. B.Dumitrescu - Delay-Independent Stabilization of Linear Discrete-Time Systems with Uncertain Delay, Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, vol.12, no.2, pp.5-9, June 2010.
  37. B.Dumitrescu - A Moulding Technique for the Design of 2-D Nearly Orthogonal Filter Banks, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.17, no.3, pp.261-264, March 2010.
  38. B.Dumitrescu - Optimization of the Higher Density Discrete Wavelet Transform and of its Dual Tree, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.58, no.2, pp.583-590, Feb. 2010.
  39. B.Dumitrescu, B.C.Sicleru, R.Stefan - Computing the Controllability Radius: a Semidefinite Programming Approach, IET Control Theory & Applications, vol.3, no.6, pp.654-660, June 2009.
  40. B.Dumitrescu, R.Bregovic, T.Saram ki - Design of Low-Delay Nonuniform Oversampled Filterbanks, Signal Processing, vol.88, no.10, pp.2518-2525, Oct. 2008.
  41. B.Dumitrescu - SDP Approximation of a Fractional Delay and the Design of Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.56, no.9, pp.4255-4262, Sept. 2008.
  42. B.Dumitrescu - LMI Stability Tests for the Fornasini-Marchesini Model, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.56, no.8, pp.4091-4095, Aug. 2008.
  43. B.Dumitrescu, I.Bayram, I.Selesnick - Optimization of Symmetric Self-Hilbertian Filters for the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.15, pp.146-149, 2008.
  44. B.Dumitrescu - Comments on "Design of an Optimal Two-Channel Orthogonal Filterbank Using Semidefinite Programming", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.15, p.111, 2008.
  45. T.Roh, B.Dumitrescu, L.Vandenberghe - Multidimensional FIR Filter Design via Trigonometric Sum-of-Squares Optimization, IEEE J. Sel. Topics Sign. Proc., vol.1, no.4, pp.641-650, Dec. 2007.
  46. B.Dumitrescu - Positivstellensatz for Trigonometric Polynomials and Multidimensional Stability Tests, IEEE Trans. Circuits & Systems II, vol.54, no.4, pp.353-356, April 2007.
  47. B.Dumitrescu - Trigonometric Polynomials Positive on Frequency Domains and Applications to 2-D FIR Filter Design, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.54, no.11, pp.4282-4292, Nov. 2006.
  48. B.Dumitrescu, B.C.Chang - Robust Schur Stability with Polynomial Parameters, IEEE Trans. Circuits & Systems II, vol.53, no.7, pp.935-937, July 2006.
  49. B.Dumitrescu - Stability Test of Multidimensional Discrete-Time Systems via Sum-of-Squares Decomposition, IEEE Trans. Circuits & Systems I, vol.53, no.4, pp.928-936, April 2006.
  50. B.Dumitrescu, R.Bregovic, T.Saram ki - Simplified Design of Low-Delay Oversampled NPR GDFT Filterbanks, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, vol. 2006, Article ID 42961, 11 pages, 2006.
  51. B.Dumitrescu - Bounded Real Lemma for FIR MIMO Systems, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.12, no.7, pp.496-499, July 2005.
  52. B.Dumitrescu - Optimization of 2-D IIR Filters with Nonseparable and Separable Denominator, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.53, no.5, pp.1768-1777, May 2005.
  53. B.Dumitrescu, R.Niemist - Multistage IIR Filter Design Using Convex Stability Domains Defined by Positive Realness, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.52, no.4, pp.962-974, April 2004.
  54. R.Niemist , B.Dumitrescu - Simplified Procedures for Quasi-Equiripple IIR Filter Design, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.11, no.3, pp.308-311, March 2004.
  55. C.Popeea, B.Dumitrescu, B.Jora - Efficient State-Space Approach for FIR Filter Bank Completion, Signal Processing, vol.83, no.9, pp.1973-1983, Sept. 2003.
  56. B.Dumitrescu, A.Petre - Model Reduction via Optimization of Frequency Response, Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, vol.5, no.2, pp.25-30, 2003.
  57. B.Dumitrescu, C.Popeea - Eigenvalue Minimization Techniques for Designing Optimum FIR Compaction Filters, Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, vol.5, no.1, pp.3-18, 2003.
  58. B.Dumitrescu, C.Popeea - Accurate Computation of Compaction Filters with High Regularity, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.9, no.9, pp.278-281, Sept. 2002.
  59. R.Niemist , B.Dumitrescu, I.Tabus - SDP Design Procedure for Near-Optimum IIR Compaction Filters, Signal Processing, vol.82, no.6, pp.911-924, June 2002.
  60. A.Vasilache, B.Dumitrescu, I.Tabus - Multiple Scale Leader Lattice VQ with Application to LSF Quantization, Signal Processing, vol.82, no.4, pp.563-586, April 2002.
  61. B.Dumitrescu - Parameterization of Positive Real Transfer Functions with Fixed Poles, IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. I, vol.49, no.4, pp.523-526, April 2002.
  62. B.Dumitrescu, B.Jora, C.Popeea, A.Serbanescu - A Parallel 4SID Algorithm, Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, vol.4, no.1, pp.5-18, 2002.
  63. B.Dumitrescu, I.Tabus, P.Stoica - On the Parameterization of Positive Real Sequences and MA Parameter Estimation, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.49, no.11, pp.2630-2639, Nov. 2001.
  64. B.Dumitrescu, I.Tabus - Predictive LSF Computation, Signal Processing, vol.81, no.10, pp.2019-2031, Oct. 2001.
  65. C.Popeea, B.Dumitrescu - Optimal Compaction Gain By Eigenvalue Minimization, Signal Processing, vol. 81, no.5, pp.1113-1116, May 2001.
  66. B.Dumitrescu, A.Serbanescu, B.Jora, C.Popeea - Positive Systems in Mathematical Programming, Revue Roum. Sci. Techn. Electrotechn. Energ., vol.45, no.3, pp.391-400, 2000.
  67. B.Dumitrescu - Improving and Estimating the Accuracy of Strassen's Algorithm, Numerische Mathematik, vol.79, no.4, pp. 485-499, April 1998.
  68. B.Dumitrescu, M.Doreille, J.L.Roch, D.Trystram - Two-Dimensional Block Partitionings for the Parallel Cholesky Factorization, Numerical Algorithms, vol.16, no.1, pp. 17-38, 1997.
  69. B.Dumitrescu - Block-Level Hammarling Algorithm is Efficient, Revue Roum. Sci. Techn. Electrotechn. Energ., vol.41, no.1, pp.113-120, 1996.
  70. B.Dumitrescu, J.L.Roch, D.Trystram - Fast Matrix Multiplication Algorithms on MIMD Architectures,  Parallel Algorithms and Applications, vol.4, no.2, pp.53-70, 1994.
  71. B.Dumitrescu - Parallel Algorithms for Elementary Tridiagonal Systems, Studies in Informatics and Control, vol.3, no.1, pp.119-124, 1994.
  72. B.Dumitrescu - Improved Parallel Partition Method, Revue Roum. Sci. Techn. Electrotechn. Energ., vol.38, no.4, pp. 565-570, 1993.

  1. R.Niemisto, R.Bregovic, B.Dumitrescu, V.Myllyla - Method and an apparatus for processing an audio signal using noise suppression or echo suppression, US patent 9640187, 2017
  2. R.Niemisto, R.Bregovic, B.Dumitrescu, V.Myllyla - A method and an apparatus for processing an audio signal, China patent CN 102576538 B, 2015.
  3. R.Niemisto, J.Vartiainen, B.Dumitrescu, R.Bregovic - Audio signal processing apparatus, US patent 9076437, 2015.

  1. B.Dumitrescu, P.Irofti - Dictionary Learning Algorithms and Applications, Springer, 2018.
  2. B.Dumitrescu - Positive Trigonometric Polynomials and Signal Processing Applications, Springer, 2007. Second edition (revised), 2017.
  3. B.Dumitrescu, C.Popeea, B.Jora - Numerical Methods for Matrix Computation. Fundamental Algorithms, ALL, Bucharest, 1998 (in Romanian).
  4. B.Jora, B.Dumitrescu, C.Oara - Numerical Methods, PUB, Bucharest, 1996.
  5. I.Russ, B.Dumitrescu, I.Tabus, D.Petre - Modelling and Simulation, PUB, Bucharest, 1995 (in Romanian).
  6. S.Calin, M.Tertisco, M.Meila-Predoviciu, B.Dumitrescu - Introduction in Automation and Computers, PUB, Bucharest, 1992 (in Romanian).

Book chapters
  1. T.Cioaca, B.Dumitrescu, M.Stupariu - Graph-Based Wavelet Multiresolution Modeling of Multivariate Terrain Data, in L. Stankovic, E. Sedjic eds., Vertex-Frequency Analysis of Graph Signals, Springer, pp.479-507, 2018 (ISBN 978-3-030-03573-0).
  2. B.Dumitrescu - Linear Programming and Mixed Integer Programming, in E. Serpedin, T. Chen, D. Rajan eds., Mathematical Foundations for Signal Processing, Communications, and Networking, CRC Press, pp.519-560, 2012 (ISBN 978-1439855133).
  3. B.Dumitrescu - Methodes de Jacobi pour l'equation algebrique matricielle de Riccati, in J.M.Dion, D.Popescu eds., Commande Optimale, Conception Optimisee des Systemes, Diderot, Paris, pp.201-220, 1997 (in French).

Conference papers
  1. T.A.Badea, B.Dumitrescu - DualGCN: A convolutional network for anomaly detection in directed graphs based on symmetrized and skew-symmetrized Laplacians, Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop Machine Learning in Signal Processing, London, UK, pp.1-6, Sep. 2024.
  2. D.C.Ilie-Ablachim, B.Dumitrescu - Angle-Based Dictionary Learning for Outlier Detection, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Signal, Control and Communication (SCC), Hammamet, Tunisia, Dec. 2023.
  3. C.E.Zica, B.Dumitrescu - Online Computation of Reduced Egonet Features for Anomaly Detection in Bank Transactions Graphs, Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop Machine Learning in Signal Processing, Rome, Italy, pp.1-6, Sep. 2023.
  4. D.C.Ilie-Ablachim, B.Dumitrescu - Classification with dictionary learning and a distance barrier promoting incoherence, Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop Machine Learning in Signal Processing, Rome, Italy, pp.1-6, Sep. 2023.
  5. T.A.Badea, B.Dumitrescu - Community-Augmented Local-Link Intensity: a score for anomaly detection in graphs, Proc. 9th. Int. Conf. on Control, Decision and Information Technology (CoDIT), Rome, Italy, pp.1936-1941, July 2023.
  6. D.C.Ilie-Ablachim, A.Baltoiu, B.Dumitrescu - Sparse representations with cone atoms, Proc. ICASSP, Rodos, Greece, June 2023.
  7. A.Manescu, B.Dumitrescu - Evolutionary hyper-heuristics for improving global optimization algorithms, Proc. 24th. Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, May 2023.
  8. D.C.Ilie-Ablachim, B.Dumitrescu - Reduced Kernel Dictionary Learning, Proc. EUSIPCO, Belgrade, Serbia, pp.2006-2010, Aug. 2022.
  9. D.C.Ilie-Ablachim, B.Dumitrescu - Anomaly Detection with Selective Dictionary Learning, Proc. 8th. Int. Conf. on Control, Decision and Information Technology (CoDIT), Istanbul, Turkey, pp.255-260, May 2022.
  10. F.I.Miertoiu, B.Dumitrescu - Shape Parameter and Sparse Representation Recovery under Generalized Gaussian Noise, EUSIPCO, Dublin, Ireland, pp.2139-2143, Aug. 2021.
  11. D.C.Ilie-Ablachim, B.Dumitrescu - Classification with Incoherent Kernel Dictionary Learning, Proc. 23th. Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, May 2021.
  12. X.Zheng, B.Dumitrescu, J.Liu, C.D.Giurcaneanu - On the Use of Dictionary Learning in Time Series Imputation, EUSIPCO, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jan. 2021.
  13. B.Dumitrescu, C.D.Giurcaneanu, Y.Ding - Identification of Vector Autoregressive Models with Granger and Stability Constraints, EUSIPCO, A Coruna, Spain, Sep. 2019.
  14. A.Baltoiu, B.Dumitrescu - Size Adaptation of Separable Dictionary Learning with Information-Theoretic Criteria, Proc. 22th. Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, pp.7-11, May 2019.
  15. P.Irofti, B.Dumitrescu - Pairwise Approximate K-SVD, ICASSP, Brighton, UK, pp.3677-3681, May 2019.
  16. F.Li, C.M.Triggs, B.Dumitrescu, C.D.Giurcaneanu - On the Number of Iterations for the Matching Pursuit Algorithm, EUSIPCO, Kos, Greece, pp.181-185, Sep. 2017.
  17. T.Cioaca, B.Dumitrescu, M.S.Stupariu - Riemannian Filters for Multi-Variate Mesh Signals, 12th Int. Conf. Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP), Porto, Portugal, pp.228-235, Feb. 2017.
  18. B.Dumitrescu, P.Irofti - Low Dimensional Subspace Finding via Size-Reducing Dictionary Learning, Proc. Int. Workshop Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Salerno, Italy, Sep. 2016.
  19. S.Maanan, B.Dumitrescu, C.D.Giurcaneanu - Renormalized Maximum Likelihood for Multivariate Autoregressive Models, EUSIPCO, Budapest, Hungary, pp.150-154, Sep. 2016.
  20. P.Irofti, B.Dumitrescu - Overcomplete Dictionary Learning with Jacobi Atom Updates, Proc. Int. Conf. Telecommunications Signal Processing, Vienna, Austria, pp. 421-424, June 2016.
  21. P.Irofti, B.Dumitrescu - Regularized Algorithms for Dictionary Learning, Proc. Int. Conf. Communications, Bucharest, Romania, pp.439-442, June 2016.
  22. P.Irofti, B.Dumitrescu - Cosparse Dictionary Learning for the Orthogonal Case, Proc. 19th. Int. Conf. System Theory, Control and Computers, Cheile Gradistei, Romania, pp.343-347, Oct. 2015.
  23. A.Onose, B.Dumitrescu - Adaptive Cyclic and Randomized Coordinate Descent for the Sparse Total Least Squares Problem, EUSIPCO, Nice, France, pp.1696-1700, Sep. 2015.
  24. P.Irofti, B.Dumitrescu - Overcomplete Dictionary Design: the Impact of the Sparse Representation Algorithm, Proc. 20th. Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, pp.901-908, May 2015.
  25. B.Dumitrescu, C.Rusu, I.Tabus, J.Astola - Low-complexity robust DOA estimation, ICASSP, Brisbane, Australia, pp.2794-2798, Apr. 2015.
  26. T.Cioaca, B.Dumitrescu, M.S.Stupariu, I.P.Stupariu, M.Naparus, I.Stoicescu, A.Peringer, A.Buttler, F.Golay - Heuristic-driven Graph Wavelet Modeling of Complex Terrain, Proc.SPIE 9443, Int. Conf. Graphics Image Proc., Beijing, China, Oct. 2014.
  27. A.Onose, B.Dumitrescu - Adaptive Randomized Coordinate Descent for Solving Sparse Systems, EUSIPCO, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.721-725, Sep. 2014.
  28. P.Irofti, B.Dumitrescu - GPU Parallel Implementation of the Approximate K-SVD Algorithm Using OpenCL, EUSIPCO, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.271-275, Sep. 2014.
  29. B.Dumitrescu, B.C.Sicleru - Optimization with sums of exponentials and applications, ICASSP, Florence, Italy, pp.370-374, May 2014.
  30. C.Rusu, B.Dumitrescu - An initialization strategy for the dictionary learning problem, ICASSP, Florence, Italy, pp.6731-6735, May 2014.
  31. A.Onose, B.Dumitrescu - Distributed Coordinate Descent Using Adaptive Matching Pursuit, Proc. Int. Symp. Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Naha, Japan, pp.513-518, Nov. 2013.
  32. B.C.Sicleru, B.Dumitrescu - Greedy Sparse Spectral Factorization Using Reduced-Size Gram Matrix Parameterization, EUSIPCO, Marrakech, Morocco, Sep. 2013.
  33. C.Rusu, B.Dumitrescu - Block Orthonormal Overcomplete Dictionary Learning, EUSIPCO, Marrakech, Morocco, Sep. 2013.
  34. P.Helin, B.Dumitrescu, J.Astola, I.Tabus - Likelihood based combining of subband estimates for wideband DOA, 8th Int. Symp. Image and Signal Proc. Anal., Trieste, Italy, pp.320-325, Sep. 2013.
  35. A.Onose, B.Dumitrescu - Group Greedy RLS Sparsity Estimation via Information Theoretic Criteria, Proc. 19th. Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, vol.2, pp.359-364, May 2013.
  36. A.Onose, B.Dumitrescu - Low Complexity Approximate Cyclic Adaptive Matching Pursuit, EUSIPCO, Bucharest, Romania, pp.2629-2633, Aug. 2012.
  37. B.C.Sicleru, B.Dumitrescu - Least-Squares Design of 2-D Sparse Nonseparable Filter Banks Using Transformation of Variables: A Greedy Approach, EUSIPCO, Bucharest, Romania, pp.76-80, Aug. 2012.
  38. A.Onose, B.Dumitrescu - Cyclic Adaptive Matching Pursuit, ICASSP, Kyoto, Japan, pp.3745-3748, March 2012.
  39. B.C.Sicleru, B.Dumitrescu - FIR Filter Optimization with POS3POLY in CVX, EUSIPCO, Barcelona, Spain, pp.1405-1409, Aug. 2011.
  40. B.Dumitrescu - Greedy Algorithms for Sparse Total Least Squares, 4th Workshop on Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations (SPARS), Edinburgh, UK, p.108, June 2011.
  41. A.Onose, B.Dumitrescu, I.Tabus - Sliding Window Greedy RLS for Sparse Filters, ICASSP, Prague, Czech Republic, pp.3916-3919, May 2011.
  42. A.Onose, B.Dumitrescu - Sparsity Estimation for Greedy RLS Filters via Information Theoretic Criteria, Proc. 18th. Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, vol.2, pp.941-946, May 2011.
  43. B.Dumitrescu, I.Tabus - Greedy RLS for Sparse Filters, EUSIPCO, Aalborg, Denmark, pp.1484-1488, Aug. 2010.
  44. B.C.Sicleru, B.Dumitrescu - Computing the controllability radius for higher order systems using semidefinite programming, Math. Theory of Networks and Systems, Budapest, Hungary, July 2010.
  45. B.C.Sicleru, B.Dumitrescu - Least Squares Design of Three-dimensional Filter Banks Using Transformation of Variables, ICASSP, Dallas, USA, pp.3682-3685, March 2010.
  46. B.Dumitrescu - Bounded Real Lemma for Multivariate Trigonometric Matrix Polynomials and FIR Filter Design Applications, EUSIPCO, Glasgow, UK, Aug. 2009.
  47. B.C.Sicleru, B.Dumitrescu - SeDuMi Pol - a Preprocessor for Optimization with Positive Polynomials, Proc. 17th. Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, vol.1, pp.483-488, May 2009.
  48. B.Dumitrescu, B.C.Sicleru, R.Stefan - Delay-dependent stability analysis of neutral systems using positive polynomials optimization, IFAC Workshop Control Appl. of Optimization, Jyvaskyla, Finland, May 2009.
  49. B.Dumitrescu, B.C.Sicleru, R.Stefan - Minimax Design of Adjustable FIR Filters Using 2D Polynomial Methods, ICASSP, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.3181-3184, April 2009.
  50. B.Dumitrescu, H.R.Dadkhahi - Design of Higher Density Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform with Few Degrees of Freedom, EUSIPCO, Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug. 2008.
  51. B.Dumitrescu, A.B.Rad - A Method for Designing the Double-Density Dual-Tree Discrete Wavelet Transform, Proc. Int. TICSP Workshop on Local and Non-Local Approximation in Image Processing, Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug. 2008.
  52. B.Dumitrescu, R.Stefan - Positive hybrid real-trigonometric polynomials and applications, Math. Theory of Networks and Systems, Blacksburg, Virginia, July 2008.
  53. R.Bregovic, B.Dumitrescu, T.Saram ki - An Efficient Method for Designing Low-Delay Nonuniform Oversampled M-channel Filterbanks, 5th Int. Symp. Image and Signal Proc. Anal., Istanbul, Turkey,, Sept. 2007.
  54. B.Dumitrescu - 2-D FIR Filter Design: What Shape is the Best?, EUSIPCO, Poznan, Poland, Sept. 2007.
  55. B.Dumitrescu - SDP Approximation of the Half Delay and the Design of Hilbert Pairs, Proc. Int. TICSP Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing, Moscow, Russia, Sept. 2007.
  56. B.Dumitrescu - Optimal Design of Positive Realness Stability Domains, Proc. 16th. Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, pp.660-662, May 2007.
  57. T.Roh, B.Dumitrescu, L.Vandenberghe - Interior-Point Algorithms for Sum-of-Squares Optimization of Multidimensional Trigonometric Polynomials, ICASSP, Honolulu, Hawaii, vol.3, pp.905-908, April 2007.
  58. B.Dumitrescu, R.Bregovic, T.Saram ki, R.Niemist - Low-Delay Nonuniform Oversampled Filterbanks for Acoustic Echo Control, EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, Sept. 2006.
  59. B.Dumitrescu - Gram Pair Parameterization of Multivariate Sum-of-Squares Trigonometric Polynomials, EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, Sept. 2006.
  60. R.Bregovic, B.Dumitrescu, T.Saram ki, R.Niemist - A Kaiser Window Approach for Designing Nonuniform Oversampled M-Channel Filterbanks, Proc. Int. TICSP Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing, Florence, Italy, pp.15-22, Sept. 2006.
  61. B.Dumitrescu - Optimization with Positive Trigonometric Polynomials: a Review and New Applications, Proc. Int. TICSP Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing, Florence, Italy, pp.39-44, Sept. 2006.
  62. B.Dumitrescu - Design of 2-D FIR filters using positive trigonometric polynomials, ICASSP, Toulouse, France, vol.3, pp.512-515, May 2006.
  63. B.Dumitrescu - Sum-of-Squares Polynomials and the Stability of Discrete-Time Systems, Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Multidimensional Systems, Wuppertal, Germany, pp.223-228, July 2005.
  64. B.Dumitrescu, R.Bregovic, T.Saram ki - On An Iterative Method to Design Oversampled GDFT Filterbanks, Proc. Int. TICSP Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing, Riga, Latvia, pp.1-5, June 2005.
  65. B.Dumitrescu, R.Bregovic, T.Saram ki - Simplified Design of Low-Delay Oversampled NPR GDFT Filterbanks, ICASSP, Philadelphia, PA, vol.4, pp.525-528, March 2005.
  66. B.Dumitrescu - On the Optimization of the Tay-Kingsbury 2D Filterbank, Proc. Int. TICSP Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing, Vienna, Austria, pp.21-26, Sept. 2004.
  67. B.Dumitrescu, R.Niemist - An Iterative Reweighted Least-Squares Algorithm for the Design of 2D IIR Filters, EUSIPCO, Vienna, Austria, pp. 133-136, Sept. 2004.
  68. B.Dumitrescu - Least-Squares Optimization of 2-D IIR Filters, Nordic Signal Proc. Symp., Espoo, Finland, June 2004.
  69. B.Dumitrescu - Multidimensional Stability Test Using Sum-of-Squares Decomposition, Proc. Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Vancouver, Canada, vol.3, pp. 545-548, May 2004.
  70. B.Dumitrescu - 2-D Convex Stability Domain, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on Signals, Circuits and Systems, Iasi, Romania, vol.2, pp. 365-368, July 2003.
  71. B.Dumitrescu, A.Petre - Model Reduction via Optimization of Frequency Response, Proc. 14th. Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, vol.1, pp.65-69, July 2003.
  72. R.Niemist , B.Dumitrescu, S.Lichiardopol - Multistage Procedure for Quasi-Equiripple IIR Filter Design, Nordic Signal Proc. Symp., Norway, Oct. 2002.
  73. C.Popeea, B.Dumitrescu - Covariance Matching via SDP, Proc. Int. TICSP Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, pp.9-12, Sept. 2002.
  74. B.Dumitrescu - On Convex Stability Domain and Optimization of IIR Filters, EUSIPCO, Toulouse, France, vol.2, pp. 191-194, Sept. 2002.
  75. B.Dumitrescu, I.Tabus, S.Peltonen, J.Astola, E.Dougherty - Efficient Design of Minmax ODIF Robust Stack Filters, 6th Int. Symp. Signal Processing and its Applications, Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia, vol.1, pp.44-47, August 2001.
  76. B.Dumitrescu, C.Popeea - Fast SDP Design of FIR Compaction Filters with Combined Constraints, 2nd Int. Symp. on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Pula, Croatia, pp. 518-523, June 2001.
  77. R.Niemist , B.Dumitrescu, I.Tabus - Optimization of IIR Compaction Filters with Fixed Angles Poles, 2nd Int. Symp. on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Pula, Croatia, pp. 524-529, June 2001.
  78. B.Dumitrescu - SOPOT Implementation of Orthogonal Matrices and Filter Banks, Int. TICSP Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing, Pula, Croatia, pp. 173-178, June 2001.
  79. B.Dumitrescu, I.Tabus - SQLP Design of Factorable Nyquist Filters, IEEE Int. Conf. on Telecommunications, Bucharest, Romania, vol.1, pp. 399-404, June 2001.
  80. B.Dumitrescu, B.Jora, C.Popeea, A.Serbanescu - ScaLAPACK Implementation of a 4SID Algorithm, Proc. 13th. Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 13-18, May 2001.
  81. B.Dumitrescu, B.Jora, C.Popeea - Design of FIR Paraunitary Filter Banks with Discrete Coefficients, Proc. 13th. Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 19-24, May 2001.
  82. R.Niemist , B.Dumitrescu, I.Tabus - SDP Design Procedure for Energy Compaction IIR Filters, ICASSP, Salt Lake City, Utah, vol.6, pp. 3825-3828, May 2001.
  83. C.Popeea, B.Dumitrescu, B.Jora - An Efficient Algorithm for FIR Filter Bank Completion, ICASSP, Salt Lake City, Utah, vol.6, pp. 3629-3632, May 2001.
  84. B.Dumitrescu, I.Tabus - Predictive LSF Computation, EUSIPCO, Tampere, Finland, vol.2, pp. 829-832, Sept. 2000.
  85. B.Dumitrescu, C.Popeea - A Low Complexity SDP Method for Designing Optimum Compaction Filters, ICASSP, Istanbul, Turkey, vol.1, pp. 516-519, June 2000.
  86. C.Popeea, B.Dumitrescu, B.Jora - A Systemic Approach to Paraunitary Filter Bank Design, 1st Balc. Conf. Sign. Proc., Istanbul, Turkey, June 2000.
  87. B.Dumitrescu, A.Serbanescu, B.Jora, C.Popeea - Positive Systems in Mathematical Programming, Symp. "Popov type theories: present and perspectives" , Romanian Academy, Bucharest, pp. 83-96, 1999 (in Romanian).
  88. B.Dumitrescu, I.Tabus - How to Deflate Polynomials in LSP Computation, Proc. IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding, Porvoo, Finland, pp. 52-54, June 1999.
  89. I.Tabus, B.Dumitrescu - A New Fast Method for Training Stack Filters, Proc. IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, Antalya, Turkey, vol.2, pp. 511-515, 1999.
  90. B.Dumitrescu, I.Tabus - A Comparison of Deflation Algorithms, Proc. 12th. Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, vol.1, pp.402-405, May 1999.
  91. B.Jora, C.Popeea, B.Dumitrescu - Improvements of Rank-Revealing Decomposition Algorithms, Proc. 12th. Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, vol.1, pp.47-52, May 1999.
  92. M.Doreille, B.Dumitrescu, J.L.Roch, D.Trystram -  Influence of Scheduling in High-performance Computing Applications: Sparse Cholesky Factorization as a Case Study, Proc. of PPAM'97 - 2nd Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Zakopane, Poland, pp. 41-55, 1997.
  93. B.Dumitrescu, M.Doreille, J.L.Roch, D.Trystram - Two-dimensional block partitionings for the parallel Cholesky factorization, 2me seminaire sur les techniques nouvelles de traitement de matrices creuses pour les problemes industriels, Lille, France, 1997.
  94. B.Dumitrescu -  Scaling and Strassen's Algorithm, Proc. 11th. Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, vol.1, pp.152-155, May 1997.
  95. B.Dumitrescu -  Overlapping communication in parallel computation, Proc. 10th. Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, vol.2, pp.192-197, May 1995.
  96.  D.Popescu, B.Dumitrescu, M.Novoselef -Algorithms and Software for Modelling and Simulating Biotechnological Processes, Preprints 2nd Int. Symp. Biotechnologies Now and Tomorrow, Bucharest, 1994.
  97. A.Cheruy, D.Popescu, B.Dumitrescu, M.Novoselef - CAMBIO - Software Product for Bioprocesses Modelling and Simulation, Preprints 2nd Int. Symp. Biotechnologies Now and Tomorrow, Bucharest, 1994.
  98. B.Dumitrescu -  On the Divide and Conquer Algorithm for Solving Tridiagonal Systems, Proc. Int. Conf. Tech. Informatics (CONTI), Timisoara, Romania, 1994.
  99. B.Dumitrescu -  A New Parallel Solver for the Triangular Sylvester Equation, Proc. 4th Workshop on Parallel and Distrib. Proc., Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 416--425, K.Boyanov ed., Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1993.
  100. B.Dumitrescu -  Systolic arrays for level-3 BLAS, Preprints 4th Int. Symp. on Auto. Control and Comp. Science, Iasi, Romania, pp. 425--429, 1993.
  101. B.Dumitrescu -  Improvements for Wang partition method on MIMD architectures, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 449-452, 1993.
  102. B.Dumitrescu -  Elementary tridiagonal system solvers on ring and hypercube, 9th Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 453-457, 1993.
  103. B.Dumitrescu, M.Tertisco -  Parallelization of a Fundamental Loop Structure, Proc. ISMM Int. Workshop Parallel Computing, Trani, Italy, Acta Press, pp. 228-231, 1991.
  104. B.Dumitrescu, A.Tertisco -  Parameter Estimation in Fault Identification, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 210-213, 1991.
  105. D.Popescu, N.Giurescu, B.Dumitrescu, A.Tertisco -  A Software Package for Identification and Optimization, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 214-218, 1991.

Technical reports

  1. I.Secuiu, B.Dumitrescu, B.Jora, C.Popeea - Computerized Tomography. Technical Report AIS 101-98, Dept. Automatic Control and Computer Science, PUB, 1998.
  2. B.Dumitrescu, M.Doreille, J.L.Roch, D.Trystram - Two-dimensional block partitionings for the parallel Cholesky factorization: the Fan-in Algorithm. Rapport de Recherche RR-3156, INRIA, 1997.
  3. B.Dumitrescu, J.L.Roch, D.Trystram - Fast Matrix Multiplication Algorithms on MIMD Architectures, Rapport Technique RT87, LMC-IMAG, 1992.